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Welcome to the Divine Mercy Shrine

About the Divine Mercy Shrine

The Divine Mercy Shrine, located in El Salvador, Misamis Oriental, Philippines, is a significant Roman Catholic monument. This beautiful site features a towering 50-foot (15-meter) statue of Jesus as the Divine Mercy, which stands as the focal point of Divine Mercy Hills. This scenic tract of land offers breathtaking views of Macajalar Bay on the island of Mindanao.

A Journey of Faith and Devotion

The shrine is situated on a sprawling nine-hectare (22-acre) property. This land was acquired for a nominal amount, reflecting the generosity and devotion of those who believe in the Divine Mercy. The entire complex was funded through donations, and the shrine was joyfully completed in 2008.

Pilgrimage and Spiritual Experience

As a pilgrimage site, the Divine Mercy Shrine attracts devotees from all over, offering them a place for prayer, reflection, and spiritual growth. Pilgrims can ascend 200 steps to reach the statue at the top, where they can experience a profound sense of peace and closeness to the Divine Mercy.

Visit the Divine Mercy Shrine

Whether you are a devotee or simply seeking a place of peace and inspiration, the Divine Mercy Shrine welcomes you. Come and be part of this sacred journey, and let the serene surroundings and the powerful presence of the Divine Mercy statue inspire and uplift your spirit.

Plan your visit today and experience the spiritual beauty of the Divine Mercy Shrine.

The Mystery of Divine Mercy Hill: A Story of Faith and Miracles


First, it started as a dream…

The dream became a vision…

The vision became a mission…

The mission became a reality…

The Mystery of Divine Mercy Hill is a beautiful story of how the hand of God, the Master Planner, chose this site for His Divine Mercy Church, a place that would become known worldwide. As you read through the unraveling events and miracles at Divine Mercy Hill, it is essential to understand that the messages received from the Lord were divinely inspired through prophecies and visions.

Some people may find it challenging to understand the works of the Holy Spirit and believe in the mystery surrounding Divine Mercy Hill. However, everything shared here is true and confirmed. May the Holy Spirit illuminate your hearts and minds with the beauty God has designed in Divine Mercy Hill. This publication aims to inform people that Divine Mercy Hill is founded on God’s love and built out of love for all of us. No one is excluded. God offers us a safe refuge where His mercy and peace can be experienced regardless of sex, creed, religion, or color.

The Beginning

The Vision to Build

In the year 2000, the Golden Jubilee Year, a group of Divine Mercy devotees started to receive visions, messages, and instructions from Jesus to begin building the Church of His Mercy. For three years, the group ignored the Lord’s request due to fear and anxiety. It was an enormous task, and they had mixed feelings of doubts and uncertainties about how this project, which would be funded through solicitations and donations, could materialize. Their fears grew with the catastrophic attack on the Twin Towers in New York City, USA, on September 11, 2001.

The world was gripped in terror, and the global financial climate became volatile, causing further anxiety about whether they could build the Church of Mercy. However, God’s ways are not man’s, and the Lord rebuked them for their lack of faith with this message: “Why do you doubt? The fact that you have doubts indicates that you do not know your God as you should. If your prayer life is infiltrated with doubts, you have denied yourself the greatest single avenue of power that your God has made available to you. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Obedience to my commands always brings fulfillment. When I give you instructions, obey immediately and watch My perfect plan unfold in your life.”

“Like the disciples, you receive unique opportunities to serve your Lord. If you are preoccupied with your own needs, you will miss the blessing of sharing in My divine activity. Respond immediately when your God speaks to you. My will for you is perfect, and it leads to abundant life.”

The First Miracles

True to His words, an endless account of miracles took place when the group submitted to God’s Holy Will. What seemed impossible became possible. Day by day, the work of God’s hands became evident in the project. News about the Divine Mercy Hill and the Statue started to spread. Stirred by curiosity, pilgrims began visiting the place and were captivated by its beauty and panoramic view. The serenity and gentle breeze instantly brought awareness of something spiritual and holy in the place as they marveled at the construction of the 50-foot Divine Mercy Statue.

All who visited had one common question: What is the story behind Divine Mercy Hill? Whose idea was this? How was this place discovered? Who are the people behind this enormous project, and how was it funded?

Mrs. Kits Adaza’s Role

Since no one was readily available to address all the pilgrims’ questions, Mrs. Kits Adaza entertained and accurately answered many questions, recounting the numerous miracles, healings, and prayers the pilgrims experienced. However, as the number of pilgrims kept increasing, Mrs. Kits Adaza realized she seemed to be the only one fully knowledgeable enough to relay the true story behind Divine Mercy Hill.

With her age in mind, Mrs. Kits Adaza pondered what would happen as she grew older and her memory started to fail. How could she remember all the details, visions, messages, and miracles that happened? Who would relate the true story of Divine Mercy Hill amidst the many false and different stories that started to surface?

The Divine Inspiration

Mrs. Kits Adaza was 50 when she was inspired to build the Church of Mercy. Two years later, at age 52, they discovered Divine Mercy Hill and started the project. At this point, she felt she had to do something. She had to write the real story behind Divine Mercy Hill so that the truth would be preserved, the visions unaltered, and the messages complete.

Mrs. Kits Adaza requested visionary Mrs. Agustinta Tante to visit the Blessed Sacrament and ask the Lord if it was right for her to write the story of Divine Mercy Hill in a magazine. She believed this was the best way to preserve the truth about Divine Mercy Hill and tell all that God chose people to fulfill His plans. So, with all said, it would become an inspiration and a given truth that nothing is impossible with God, and He promises to be with us till the end of time, “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (NASB Mathew 28:20)

As requested by Mrs. Kits Adaza, visionary Mrs. Agustina Tante prayed to the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament at the ECO Church, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City. She presented the request for guidance regarding the publication of the story of Divine Mercy Hill in a magazine. After a while, Mrs. Agustina Tante received these instructions from the Lord:

“Write everything that has happened at Divine Mercy Hill. The purchase of the parcels of land, the miracles and healings. When people start to visit My place, they will ask how Divine Mercy Hill started.” Then Mrs. Agustina Tante had a vision of a beautiful small chapel, and at the center of the chapel was a pedestal surrounded by angels. On top of the pedestal was enthroned a beautiful white book with its side pages tinted in gold. The Lord brought the vision of the book closer to Mrs. Agustina Tante so she could read the title of the book. To her surprise, the title written was, The Mystery of the Divine Mercy Hill.

Mrs. Agustina Tante asked the Lord why the word Mystery instead of History. The Lord answered, “My daughter, if the events are made by man – you write History, but at Divine Mercy Hill, it is not man but it is My Presence that is moving in the place, that is why it is a Mystery.”

Then the Lord opened the book, and the first page displayed various pictures of the vicinity of Divine Mercy Hill, its many projects and developments. The next page showed pictures of people who were chosen by God as instruments and inspired by the Holy Spirit to build His Church of Mercy.

The second part of the book contained testimonies of people/pilgrims who experienced the mercy of God through healings, answered prayers, solutions to their problems, conversions, and many other miracles they received at Divine Mercy Hill. The Lord said, “I want you to write in the book the testimonies of people who received miracles at Divine Mercy Hill, write their complete names and addresses, attach their pictures, that all may know they are real.”

The Lord wants His works of mercy to be proclaimed, as the angel Raphael spoke to Tobias and said, “Be sure to praise and honor God by telling everyone the good things he has done for you. Celebrate God’s name with praises and with songs, and don’t ever hesitate to tell others about him. Honor God by letting others know what he has done for you.” (Tobit 12)

Then the angels guarding the book lifted it and presented it to God the Father in heaven. And God exclaimed, “In this book is written the greatest story ever told in your century, after Fatima. This place will be known worldwide.”

The Development of Divine Mercy Hill

Initial Struggles and Encouragement

As you read through the amazing events and miracles at Divine Mercy Hill, understand that the messages received from the Lord were divinely inspired through prophecies and visions. Some people are expected to find it difficult to understand the works of the Holy Spirit and believe the mystery surrounding Divine Mercy Hill. However, everything in this publication is true and confirmed. May the Holy Spirit illuminate your hearts and minds to the beauty God has designed in Divine Mercy Hill.

The Call to Build

The inspiration to build the Church of the Divine Mercy came as early as 1996. However, this was set aside due to the Asian financial crisis. For four years, this idea was shelved and even forgotten. But God revived the idea to build His church in the year 2000.

On April 15, 2000, a day before Palm Sunday, more than 120 Divine Mercy devotees, headed by Atty. Guerrero and Mrs. Paquita Adaza and some members of the Board of Trustees of the Divine Mercy Foundation of Mindanao (Philippines), Inc., went to Catarman, Camiguin, for a religious pilgrimage to the Jubilee Holy Door.

When they arrived at the port of Mahinog, Camiguin, the group proceeded to the Walkway—a 15-station Way of the Cross leading to the top of Mt. Hibok-Hibok. Upon reaching the 15th station, being charismatics, they completed their prayers and sacrifices with spontaneous praise and worship.

After the last sound of praise had faded, the group, in silence, listened for God’s message. Many had visions and received messages from the Lord. But one particular member of the group, Mrs. Diony Cosadio, approached Mrs. Kits Adaza and recounted a vision she experienced for the first time. She related that she saw a bright light coming from the 15th Station (the Resurrection of Jesus Christ) that enveloped Mrs. Kits Adaza and lifted her up from the ground.

Mrs. Kits Adaza listened to her testimony with amazement and pondered in her heart what the meaning of that vision could be.

Feast of Divine Mercy 2000

Two weeks after their pilgrimage to Camiguin, on April 30, 2000, Feast of the Divine Mercy, the group had a triple celebration in their Parish at ECO Church, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City.

A Eucharistic Celebration was held in honor of the Divine Mercy Feast Day and as thanksgiving for the canonization of Saint Faustina Kowalska. It was presided by Archbishop Jesus B. Tuquib, assisted by Parish Priest Fr. Alfeo Villanueva and other priests. It was also the Blessing for the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel of ECO Church, constructed by the Charismatic Community in the parish, which was headed by Mrs. Kits Adaza.

After the celebration, Sis. Kits requested the Divine Mercy Intercessory Group, led by visionary Sis. Agustina Tante, to pray over her at the Chapel of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. She was limping due to severe pain in her knees from arthritis.

After the pray-over of Mrs. Kits Adaza in front of the Blessed Sacrament, Mrs. Agustina Tante had a vision and a message from the Lord for Sis. Kits: “My daughter, start to build the Church of My Mercy for the day of My coming is near.”

The vision showed Jesus the Divine Mercy standing tall up on a hill facing the ocean. When Mrs. Kits Adaza heard the message, the meaning of the vision of Mrs. Diony Cosadio in Camiguin became clear. The Lord was appointing her to lead the Divine Mercy Foundation of Mindanao (Philippines) Inc. and spearhead the project of building the Church of the Divine Mercy. However, this enlightenment was not taken seriously by the group.

Feast of Divine Mercy 2001

The following year, on April 18, 2001, after the celebration of the Feast of Mercy, during the regular Monday prayer meeting, the Lord once again gave a message to the group’s visionary Mrs. Agustina Tante to remind Mrs. Kits Adaza of His desire to start building the Church of His Mercy because the day of His coming is near. The same vision of the Lord standing on top of a hill overlooking the ocean was seen again by Sis. Merly Pacana, one of the group’s visionaries.

However, the group ignored the vision and message for the second time, considering that such a project would entail a lot of money and the site on a hill overlooking the ocean would be far away.

On May 1, 2001, two weeks after the Feast of Mercy celebration, Atty. Guerrero and Sis. Kits Adaza joined Father Buenaventure Valles, Father Superior of the Congregation of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, on a pilgrimage tour in Eastern Europe. Joining them were members of the Oasis of Love Community in Cebu City.

Part of their itinerary was to visit the Divine Mercy Shrine in Krakow, Poland, and the place of apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Medjugorje. It was during this time that Mrs. Kits Adaza shared with Father Bonaventure Valles, who is also a charismatic priest, about the visions and messages they received and asked for his advice. She also poured out to Father Bonaventure Valles the fears, worries, and apprehensions of the group to undertake such a big project.

Understanding very well what Sis. Kits was going through, Father Valles gave her this advice: “Sis. Kits, ayaw kabalaka sa pagtukod sa Simbahan sa Diyosnong Kalooy tungod kay kon kini kabubut-on sa Dios, moabut ra ang kwarta. God will provide.” Which means, “Sis. Kits, do not fear to build the Church of the Divine Mercy because if it is the Will of God – money will come – God will provide.”

Mrs. Kits Adaza then asked Fr. Bonaventure Valles how big an area they should purchase, since the Divine Mercy Foundation had only Two Thousand Eight Hundred pesos (P2,800.00) in their rural bank account. They were thinking of just purchasing a one-hectare property.

However, Fr. Bonaventure Valles advised Mrs. Kits Adaza that they should be looking for a property not less than six hectares. He explained that based on experiences of shrines around the world, once they get established and become popular, people will start to build their homes and business establishments in the proximity of the shrine, causing much noise and disturbance that affects the serenity and holiness of the shrine.

He cited the example of the Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Baclaran, Manila. Because of its popularity, it is now surrounded by business establishments, and so much noise is generated from the traffic and people.

Fr. Bonaventure Valles further explained that if a big area of no less than six hectares is purchased, you can build the Church at the center of the property and it will be protected from the outside noise, preserving its serenity and holiness.

In spite of the encouragement of Father Bonaventure Valles, the group still persisted in their doubts and fears.

The Attack on the Twin Towers

Visionary Mrs. Agustina Tante regularly visited the Blessed Sacrament at their Parish at ECO Church in Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City. Her residence was just a short distance from the Church. In one of her visits to the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (PEA) Chapel in June 2001, she received a message and vision from the Lord: “My children, pray for New York and China because a BIG punishment is coming.”

The vision showed the Statue of Liberty in New York City crumbling down and, in China, women crying, carrying dead babies in their arms aborted due to the one-child policy imposed by the Chinese government.

Mrs. Agustina Tante was surprised that the Lord, for the first time, was very specific in giving His vision, mentioning the city of New York and its landmark, the Statue of Liberty, and for China, with aborted babies carried by their grieving mothers. Mrs. Kits Adaza and Mrs. Agustina Tante shared the message and vision with the Divine Mercy Intercessory Ministry for them to pray for New York City and China.

On September 10, 2001 (Monday), while the Divine Mercy Intercessory Group was having their prayer meeting at the Adaza’s Garden, five visionaries had visions, which they themselves didn’t understand. It only made sense by Wednesday (September 11, 2001, Philippine time) when they found out that their visions were part and parcel of one entire picture—the devastation of the Twin Towers in New York City.

The Visions

  1. Visionary 1: “I saw Jesus going up the tower where we had our prayer meeting with a very angry look. It was the first time I saw the Lord with an angry face pointing to a place and said, ‘I am going to punish that place.’ Mama Mary was behind Jesus begging Him to delay the punishment and give the people time to repent.”
  2. Visionary 2: “I heard a loud explosion. It deafened my ears. And then I saw thick black smoke all over.”
  3. Visionary 3: “I saw a plane flying low towards the building.”
  4. Visionary 4: “I saw a tall building collapse.”
  5. Visionary 5: “I saw babies crawling, and they were hit by sharp objects.”

On September 11, 2001, the world was shocked to see on television the devastation of the Twin Towers in New York City. This confirmed the visions received a day before by the five visionaries. This catastrophic event was the Lord’s way of reminding the group that the Day of His coming is near. (Note: There were Day Care Centers at the Twin Tower Building that confirmed the vision of babies crawling and dying due to sharp objects that crushed them).

The aftermath of the Twin Towers attack led the Americans into the path of war, striking Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Rumors gave rise to an impending world war that could escalate the prices of commodities and drop the exchange rate of the peso to P80 to $1. With this gloomy scenario ahead, the group pondered how difficult it would be to solicit funds for the project.

In a move to ease their anxieties, Sis. Kits Adaza requested their visionary Mrs. Agustina Tante to pray and tell the Lord at the Blessed Sacrament to defer the plans to build the Church of His Mercy due to the war in the Middle East. It would be difficult to solicit funds and ask for donations for the project. But the Lord instead gave a message for Sis. Kits: “Tell Paquita not to fear because the war in Iraq will only be brief. Go on with the plan to build the CHURCH OF MY MERCY. But another BIG punishment is coming that all the people in the world will tremble in fear.”

Feast of Mercy 2002

In April 2002, after the Feast of Mercy celebration, while the group was having their regular Monday prayer meeting, Mrs. Agustina Tante received a familiar message from the Divine Mercy for the third time: “Start to build the church of My Mercy for the Days of My Coming are already numbered.”

Miss Marilyn Aguilor, another group visionary, received a more detailed vision: “She saw the Lord standing tall on top of the hill overlooking the ocean. But beside Him was Mama Mary. At the foot of the hill were houses and lights indicating that the hill was near a populated area.”

This time, the Lord delivered His message with authority and urgency. No longer was His time of coming near, it was now numbered. Mrs. Kits Adaza and the Intercessory Ministry now strongly believed that God was not playing games. There was no more room for excuses, doubts, and fears. What was needed was trust.

The message was later confirmed when the war against Saddam Hussein, which began on March 19, 2003, was over in one month. Again, in the same month of March 2003, a strain of pneumonia of unknown origin was detected in China. By December 2003, SARS had spread to 29 countries, and people in the world trembled in fear because there was no known cure.

The Living Mission of Divine Mercy Hill

The story of Divine Mercy Hill is a testament to faith, perseverance, and the belief in divine guidance. From the initial visions and messages to the eventual construction and recognition of Divine Mercy Hill, every step was marked by challenges and miracles. The unwavering trust in God’s plan and the dedication of the devotees transformed a dream into a mission and, ultimately, into a reality that continues to inspire and draw pilgrims from around the world. As Divine Mercy Hill stands tall, it serves as a beacon of hope, a place of refuge, and a testament to the power of divine mercy and love.

As Divine Mercy Hill continues to be a sanctuary of peace and a source of spiritual renewal, its mission remains ever-vibrant and ongoing. With each new sunrise, the hill invites countless devotees and pilgrims to experience the profound mercy and unconditional love that flows from its sacred grounds. Here, the legacy of faith and the stories of miraculous encounters are passed down through generations, ensuring that the spirit of Divine Mercy is forever woven into the fabric of countless lives. Guided by a divine purpose, Divine Mercy Hill does not merely mark the culmination of a sacred journey; it heralds an eternal promise of spiritual guidance and divine presence, calling all to come and witness the perpetual unfolding of God’s merciful love. As this hallowed place grows, so too does its commitment to nurturing a community of believers united in faith and bolstered by the enduring assurance that “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”